Check out this spot from Pure Inventions, a “unique line of fruit and tea extracts.” Done by Grey in New York. I love the song. It’s called “Rainbow” by Marshall Altman. I couldn’t find the song online so Marshall was kind enough to send it to me. Thank you, Marshall.
Archives for January 2009
Carlsberg Sports Drink Commercial
This spot is a few months old, but I only just discovered it. It’s another product of the YouTube school of advertising: create a spot that looks like a home video. I think it’s a strong idea, though. And the animation is spot on. Very funny. Enjoy.
MLK Dream Weekend Campaign
Here’s a new campaign I’ve done for a local nonprofit that holds an annual event honoring Martin Luther King and his “I Have a Dream Speech.” You can learn more about them at
Five books I’ve read (or listened to) recently
I see it’s been almost a month since my last post. Shameful. What’s wrong with me? Anyway, a lot has happened in the past few weeks. For starters, here are the five books I’ve read or listened to on audiobooks. All simply mah–velous.
Peter and the Secret of Rundoon. The third and currently last book in the Peter and the Starcatchers series. I love these books. Dave Barry and Ridley Pearson have exactly the right mix of humor, humanity and classic fast-paced adventure. I’d read a hundred of these if there were that many.
Ender in Exile by Orson Scott Card. As I’ve mentioned in a previous post, Ender’s Game may be my favorite novel ever. So when this book was released — a direct sequel to Ender’s Game, unlike Speaker for the Dead, which is also a sequel but occurs much later in the life of the main character — I was ecstatic. It’s wonderful. Card captures better than any other living author of whom I am aware what it means to belong to a family or how it feels to be utterly alone without one. Also, if you’ve ever wondered what soldiers returning from war feel like, read this book. Amazing. I pray Card plans to write a direct sequel to this one.