Today the last issue of the second arc of Formic Wars hits comic shops. I’m proud of this issue. The art by Giancarlo is incredible. This concludes the First Formic War. There is a still another war before Ender Wiggin is born. It’s called — can you guess? — the Second Formic War. Fans of Ender’s Game know that war well, or at least know some of what happens in the war. It’s at the end of the Second Formic War that Mazer Rackham defies orders and fires upon the queen’s ship, killing her and ending the war. That’s not a spoiler, folks. We’ve known that all along. It’s in Ender’s Game.
In any event, Scott Card and I are excited about telling that story. As all Ender’s Game fans know, the asteroid Eros will play a critical role. That’s where the Formics set up a base from which to orchestrate their invasion of Earth. Should be fun.
Here’s a description of and credits for issue five.
Writer: AARON WILLIAM JOHNSTON, Orson Scott Card
• The Shocking Conclusion To The First Formic War, A Prequel To Orson Scott’s Card’s Science-Fiction Classic Ender’s Game.
• The Formics Fight To The Bitter End. But Is It The End?
• The Hegemon Of Earth Is Revealed!
Hey Aaron,
I’m a big fan of these comics. Just picked this one up today. Had to drive 20 minutes to and from the comic store. I also had to pre-order and pay in advance for all of these Silent Strike comics, but it was totally worth it. The final issue of SS and TFFW ended perfectly. I think the most intriguing part (and I don’t think I am giving away too much) is the camera crew.
I am super excited about Earth Unaware! I created the Earth Unaware page on on Wikipedia. A little bare until July 17! I also updated the Ender comics page on Wikipedia about 5 minutes ago. Did you realize that there’s 47 Enderverse comics now?!
I’m also a big fan of The League War. Thank you for telling some stories about the Hegemon, Strategos, IF, etc. (in both TLW and SS5)!
One question I have: Are there any plans for an Enhanced Ebook of Earth Unaware? I picked up the Enhanced Ebook of Shadows in Flight a while back. I was impressed with the artwork by Nick Greenwood and the additional content by OSC.
Thanks! Congrats on a big day of having another comic series wrap up! Don’t think that I missed “Scott Card and I are excited about telling [The Second Formic War] story…”
Your comment made my day. Thank you for your kind words. And thank you for maintaining the Wikipedia pages. Goodness. Bless you for that. I tip my hat to you. Thank you.
I’m so glad to hear that you’ve enjoyed the comics. Marvel has done a tremendous job. Much of the credit goes to our editor Jordan D. White. He’s a saint and lover of all things Ender. And we’ve been really fortunate to have such an incredible team of artists on all the series.
As for an Enhanced Ebook for Earth Unaware, I’m afraid that’s not in the works at present. The enhancements will have to be all the vivid images your imagination brings to the story as you read it. Nick Greenwood is amazing. His art for the Enhanced Ebook for Shadows in Flight blew me away. And the book has become one of my favorites in the Enderverse. It’s one of those stories that when you finish it, you have to sit for a while in silence and let it soak in.
Anyway, thanks for the note.
Warmest regards,
Aaron Johnston