Google Alerts, well, alerted me of another great review for Dragon Age issue #1. Many thanks to Jonathan Chuang over at Broken Frontiers for his kind words. Read the review here.
Roads Into Writing One-Day Workshop at Southern Virginia University
Vodafone – Movies on your Phone
I love this print campaign from Scholz & Friends NRW in Duesseldorf, Germany for Vodafone. Don’t know exactly how these were used. They’re make great subway terminal posters. Not necessarily a new idea, but a fun one and executed well.
Pampers Swing Cover
A creative team over at Saatchi Saatchi Germany has come up with a cool way to feature a new line of Pampers diapers called Cruisers. The diapers apparently offer greater flexibility around the legs and therefore greater mobility for little tots. So they’re “play” diapers, whatever that means. Personally, I can’t imagine a parent switching diapers just for playtime–and I’m qualified to have this opinion since I have a child currently in diapers–but hey, maybe some parents are looking for a diaper just for play time.
In any event, the guys and gals at Saatchi have made a fabric cover for playground swings. It’s a cool idea, but like most guerrilla ideas, it will likely only get seen by a handful of people. What’s more, I can’t imagine these will stay on the swings for very long. They’ll slip off and get blown around the playground in no time flat. So it’s just as much litter as it is advertising, but hey, it’s a fun idea.
Great review for Dragon Age #1
So the first review I’ve found for the first issue of Dragon Age is very positive. Many thanks to Jason Kerouac over at Panels For Pages. Jason gives the comic four stars, well actually four hurlock assassins, which is just as good as stars, I guess, only meaner. I mean, stars won’t stab you in the back and trample over your bleeding corpse like hurlocks are prone to do. Anyway check out the review. Jason calls it a “fantastic tale.” Hoorah.
My interview with Comic Book Resources
Comic Book Resources just posted an interview I did regarding the upcoming release of Dragon Age. It highlights how the first issue was created and how Scott Card and I collaborated on the story. I also discuss how we interacted with the game team.
Check out the interview here.