Here are the two other Epson posters I failed to include in a previous post. These are my least favorite of the bunch. But I still like the photography.
New Campaign For Epson
This is a new poster campaign I did for ScanSource. We were advertising an Epson receipt printer. It’s supposedly the fastest receipt printer on the market, speeding up the checkout line and getting people out the door quickly. The big idea for the campaign was to showcase those people who typically slow down the checkout line and suggest that that the Epson TM-H6000 printer can handle even the toughest (slowest) customers. Kind of a silly campaign, but we had fun executing it. Jason Locke was the art director. Lon Murdock out of Charlotte was the photographer. The talent were mostly out of Atlanta. We picked a name for each of them: The Check Writer, The Credit Princess, The Piggy Banker, The Smooth Operator, The Heavy Couponer, and The Bulk Buyer. I think you’ll be able to identify who’s who.
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Robert Crais
It all started last year with THE TWO-MINUTE RULE. In a word, it blew me away. Well, okay, that’s four words, but suffice it to say it wowed. I was introduced to who I know consider “the man” of crime fiction. If you’ve never read Crais, don’t start late at night if you have to get up early the nest morning. You will lose sleep. In fact, sleep with suddenly become so inconsequential that you may forget to go to sleep at all. The man does it all: (1) Openers that start with a bang, usually literally. Before you even know what’s going on, you’re running, people are dropping, guns are firing, cars are crashing. Who knows? It could be anything. But whatever it is, it’s like chewed gum on the sidewalk, once you step in it, you can’t walk away. You’re stuck. Riveted. (2) Characters you love instantly. Elvis Cole and his tough-guy, sunglass-wearing partner Joe Pike feel a lot like Spenser and Hawk from the Robert Parker novels, only cooler, younger, and with LA street smarts instead of Boston old-school smarts. LA Requiem is one of the best dern novels I’ve read, I think. Classic. A keeper. Lauren has been chewing through these as well. We bought a big lot of Crais novels over the internet, and she’s read them all. She’s hooked. You would be too if you gave them a shot, which I strongly suggest you do. That is, if you haven’t already.
This was my first Elvis Cole experience. Not a bad one to start with. Elvis and Joe go after some seriously messed up bad-guys who have kidnapped Elvis’s girlfriend’s son. Detective work at its best.
In THE WATCHMAN Joe Pike agrees to pay off a debt by taking a dangerous security job: protecting a Paris-Hilton-like playgirl from the mysterious hired thugs sent to kill her. Non-stop-actiony goodness. Like all of Crais, it keep me guessing for a long time. Best of all is Joe Pike himself. The man makes Bruce Willis in the Die Hard movies look like a cub scout.
War of Gifts by Orson Scott Card
This is a Christmas book, but don’t let that fool you. It’s not The Christmas Box, no happy-go-lucky aw-shucks Christmas story here. It’s Battle School. Which means it gets ugly. Very bad things happen to people. Which means it’s Orson Scott Card at his best. Ender fans (ie. people like me) cannot, should not miss this one. One of the best opening chapters of Card’s I’ve read in a while. Go. Buy. Give to a friend. It’s wonderful. Oh, and did I mention it has Ender in it?
Audiobook now available
I knew an audiobook was in the works–I signed a contract for it a while ago. I just had no idea when it was going to be coming out or who the reader would be. Well, apparently it’s finished because it’s available for purchase at I was thrilled to learn that Stefan Rudnicki did the reading. He’s one of the most talented readers in the business. Extremely fine actor. I could listen to him talk all day. I know Stefan well, having worked with him in LA on a series of one-act plays I produced for Scott. Small world. Here’s the cover of the audiobook. Pretty cool, I think.
Book Signings with Orson Scott Card
The first signing was at the BYU Bookstore a few days before the book was released. It was wonderful to go back to BYU. I hadn’t been to campus in years. I got Jake a BYU t-shirt and Luke a BYU hat. Campus was even more beautiful than I remembered. Ah BYU. So many memories.
Here we are at the BYU signing. Kristine, Scott’s wife; Scott; and me. Notice the BYU bags in the foreground. Scott was kind enough to buy chocolate for everyone who came and stood in line. I thought that very kind. The signing was scheduled to go only for an hour, but it lasted three and a half hours. Most of the people in line didn’t buy a copy of our book; they were there for Scott to sign other books of his, which was fine with me. It was a thrill just to be there. I was really impressed with how kind and polite Scott is with of all his fans. Many of them expressed how much Ender’s Game (or other books he’d written) had influenced their lives, and Scott was touched every time. As a fan of Scott’s work myself, it made me love him as an author all the more. He’s really generous with those who read him.
Several of my dearest friends, who I hadn’t spoken to in far too long, were kind enough to come to the signing at BYU. Here’s me with three of them, all were in the the Garrens Comedy Troupe, a sketch-comedy/improv group I belonged to during my BYU days. We were quite the act, if I do say so myself. Pictured from left to right is me, Randy Tayler, Daryn Tufts, and the lovely Lisa Clark. A funnier yet classier group of people you will not find.
The great thing about the signing in Greenville, South Carolina was that a lot of my friends from work and family were able to attend. Here’s me with Aunt Vickie, Aunt Vonnie, and Uncle Steve. For some reason, the Barnes and Noble in Greenville held the signing at the very back of the store in the music section, hence the CDs there behind us.
Here we are at the signing in Greensboro. The Barnes and Noble there did a wonderful job of promoting the event. There was quite the crowd. We sold out of copies of the book, even. It was great.
Several of our friends from our Greensboro days came to signing. I thought that a very kind gesture. It was wonderful to see them all. From left to right: Leighanna Lindsay, Shena Arellano, Andy Lindsay, Cheeto Arellano, Ella, and Adam Lindsay.